Home Local Sports Bayou Horseshoe Pitchers Summer League 2023 – Week One Results

Bayou Horseshoe Pitchers Summer League 2023 – Week One Results

by KQKInews
1 minutes read

The first week of the Bayou Horseshoe Pitchers Association’s 2023 Summer League has concluded, and the current standings are as follows: Ring A Roos lead in first place with a 9-0 win-loss record, followed by Half & Half in second place at 7-2, and Double Ringers in third place with a 5.5-3.5 record.

Top performers in the league include Tim Gilmore, who boasts an impressive high scratch point average of 81.4 in the 30-foot category, as well as Clay Canty, who leads in high individual ringer percentage at 49.2%. For the 40-foot category, Dale Pearce achieved a notable high scratch point average of 47.3 and also tops the high individual ringer percentage at 31.7%.

Among other achievements, Clay Canty recorded the highest scratch game score of 79 points in the 30-foot category and secured most ringers in one night with a total of 59. In team results, Half & Half achieved the most points in one night with a score of 435, while Double Ringers scored the most ringers in one night with a total of 98.

Men’s high game over average was won by Kevin Kinslow with an impressive 21.6-point increase, and Mary Guzdial claimed the top spot for women’s high game over average with an increase of 2.9 points.

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