Home Local News Port of Morgan City Expansions and Dredging Projects Progressing Steadily

Port of Morgan City Expansions and Dredging Projects Progressing Steadily

by KQKInews
2 minutes read

The Port of Morgan City’s Marine Terminal Dock Expansion Project at 800 Youngs Road is making significant progress, with six dredges contracted by the Corps of Engineers to support the ongoing work. Unprecedented funding has been allocated to ensure a consistent, navigable channel 20 feet deep by 400 feet wide for industrial use, driving economic growth for the Port District.

East Dock Expansion Update:
On November 17th, Sea Level Construction completed their portion of the $6.3 million East Dock Expansion Project with the successful placement of 350 yards of concrete. The project, partially funded by the Louisiana Department of Transportation’s “Port Priority Program,” is expected to be completed in mid-December.

West Dock Expansion Update:
The $30 million Ports West Dock Expansion project is pending approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Maritime Administration under the NEPA. Construction bids are expected in March 2024, with work commencing in April 2024. The construction process will take around two years, with funds secured through both state funding and a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s “Port Infrastructure Development Program.”

Dredging Update:
With $62.5 million provided through FY 24 funding from the President’s Budget under consideration in Congressional spending bills, dredging operations are underway for Atchafalaya River, Bayous Boeuf, Black and Chene. Six contracted dredges include:

1. Brice Civil Constructors’ Dredge Arulaq tackling fluff management in Atchafalaya Bar Channel.
2. The Dredge Carolina working on a supplemental Bar Channel contract.
3. An $11 million contract awarded to The Dredge Texas (with an optional extension up to $18 million) focusing on Crewboat Cut.
4. Two dredges, Susan Crosby and Vinton J. Crosby, completing work in Bayou Chene by year’s end, with a new contract expected in May or June 2024.
5. The sixth dredge, Orion’s Emil Kurtz, funded by the Mississippi River & Tributaries, operating in Morgan City–Berwick Bay within two months.

The New Orleans District Corps of Engineers advises mariners to utilize their routine hydrographic surveys to ensure safe navigation and avoid groundings in Stouts Pass.

Stakeholders are encouraged to report tonnage to Waterborne Commerce, as usage of the federally authorized channel impacts funding decisions for Atchafalaya River and Bayous Black, Boeuf, and Chene.

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