Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre announced a Larose man has been charged with murder in connection to a teenage girl who died from an overdose in October 2022. Blayne Terrebonne, 19, is charged with second degree murder. He had previously been arrested for drug distribution in the investigation.
Shortly before 4:30 a.m. on October 27, 2022, deputies responded to a Galliano residence in reference to a 16-year-old male showing signs of a possible overdose. After being given two doses of Narcan, the boy regained consciousness and was transported to a hospital for further treatment. Less than three hours later, deputies responded to a call at another Galliano residence where a 15-year-old girl was found dead of a suspected drug overdose.
Investigators quickly determined the two incidents were related, and they arrested Terrebonne later that day. Detectives later arrested Sergio Perez, 18, of Cut Off, and Anthony Francis, 21, of Larose in connection with the case. All were charged with drug distribution. Perez remains at the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex, but Terrebonne and Francis were released on bail in November 2022.
Investigators learned the girl had purchased what she thought was a Percocet pill from Terrebonne the night prior to her death. Investigators learned the pill was actually pressed from pure fentanyl. An autopsy conducted by the Lafourche Parish Coroner’s Office determined the cause of her death to be a drug overdose. A toxicology report later showed she had a high level of fentanyl in her blood at the time of her death. After receiving these results, detectives obtained a warrant for Terrebonne’s arrest for second degree murder.
On January 25, 2023, investigators located Terrebonne and placed him under arrest. He was booked into the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex on a warrant for one count of second degree murder. Bail is set at $500,000.