Home Local News Berwick Police Chief Urges Parents To Talk With Their Children

Berwick Police Chief Urges Parents To Talk With Their Children

by KQKInews
2 minutes read

Berwick Police Chief David Leonard is urging parents to speak to their children about threats that have occurred at Berwick High School as of recent. The school’s daily routines have been disrupted by threats made three times in the past week.

The Berwick Police Department released the following statement regarding the most recent incident at the school.

In regards to the threatening message that was written on campus today at the Berwick High School, the Berwick Police Department is still actively investigating. Interviews with students and parents are still on-going at this time. Thus far, investigators have determined that the threat did not have any credibility to it, therefore, the students were allowed to resume instructional periods as normal.

Chief of Police David Leonard Sr. strongly urges all parents and guardians to sit down with their children this evening and have a serious conversation about the events that have been taking place lately. Please discuss with them the fact that these threats cause massive disruptions to their education and it jeopardizes the safety and security of the school. These pranks are no joking matter and they have extremely serious consequences through the court system.

Please drive home the point to your kids that if they know something about these threats, they can anonymously report them to a teacher or school administrator and their name will not be mentioned in the investigation. The police and the school administrators will continue to vigorously investigate these threats to identify the person(s) writing these messages, but your children can greatly assist by speaking up if they have some information. As always, the safety of the students and faculty of all of our schools is our number one priority and we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure your kids’ safety at school.

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