Home Lafourche Parish Two Teenage Girls Arrested for Trying to Frame a Male High School Teacher

Two Teenage Girls Arrested for Trying to Frame a Male High School Teacher

by KQKInews
2 minutes read

Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre and Lafourche Parish Schools Superintendent Jarod Martin announced two teenage girls have been charged for trying to frame a male high school teacher for sending inappropriate messages to a student.

On December 18, 2024, juvenile detectives opened an investigation into a report from a concerned party that a Central Lafourche High School teacher had been sending inappropriate messages to a 16-year-old female student. Detectives learned she and a 15-year-old friend were allegedly engaged in conversations involving inappropriate messages from the teacher via an online instant messaging platform.

Over the next two weeks, detectives conducted a thorough investigation, including interviews with all parties allegedly involved, and obtained search warrants for their phones and accounts on the messaging platform. The investigation revealed that the two teenage girls had fabricated messages, created fake accounts, and shared screenshots with friends in an effort to frame the teacher for sending inappropriate messages.

The investigation proved the teacher had not sent any messages or photos to the girls and, in fact, had no involvement. The teacher was actually proven to be the crime victim and has been cleared of all allegations. One of the two students also admitted to their involvement in the crime.

On January 6, 2025, both girls were charged with one count each of false swearing for the purpose of violating public health or safety (felony), cyberstalking, and online impersonation. They were placed on electronic monitoring and released to the custody of their parents.

Sheriff Webre applauded the tenacious efforts of investigators and warned those considering similar crimes. “Our juvenile detectives are diligent and take claims of inappropriate behavior very seriously,” said Sheriff Webre. “They are, however, equally serious about false claims. Someone’s life can be instantly ruined by a false allegation, and I am proud that our investigators were able to get to the bottom of this. Technology has made it very easy for people to try to manipulate the truth, but technology also makes it easy for investigators to ultimately find the truth.”

“We are shocked and appalled to learn of the actions of two of our students,” added Superintendent Martin. “The allegations against one of our teachers were false and malicious, and we appreciate the efficiency of investigators in uncovering the source of these messages. Such attacks on a teacher’s credibility and reputation are concerning and can inhibit their ability to effectively educate our children. We are committed to investigating all allegations of misconduct in order to provide a safe environment conducive to learning and working for all of our students and staff.”

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