Home Breaking News Statewide Burn Ban Lifted

Statewide Burn Ban Lifted

by KQKInews
1 minutes read

BATON ROUGE (November 21, 2023)- Following consultation among the State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFM), Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF), the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security (GOHSEP) and the National Weather Service (NWS), the statewide burn ban initially issued on August 7th, and modified as recently as September 29th, is being rescinded effective as of 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21.

Where open burning is allowed in local ordinances, the State Fire Marshal’s Office said that it would like to remind residents that the only legal items you can burn in Louisiana are vegetation and ordinary yard waste items like leaves, tree branches, grass clippings, etc.

According to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, items NOT allowed to be burned include:• Plastic and other synthetic materials

• Tires and other rubber products
• Paints, household and agricultural chemicals
• Asphalt shingles, heavy oils, wire
• Newspaper, cardboard and other paper products
• Buildings and mobile homes

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