Home Community St. Mary/Vermillion Community Action Agency Accepting Appointments For LIHEAP Utility Assistance

St. Mary/Vermillion Community Action Agency Accepting Appointments For LIHEAP Utility Assistance

by KQKInews
2 minutes read

Almetra J. Franklin, CEO, announces St. Mary/Vermilion Community Action Agency will set appointments for St. Mary and Vermilion Parishes LIHEAP Utility Assistance Program on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, and Wednesday, November 30,2022. Residents may begin calling at 8:30 am on each day, until 11:30 am. Please do not call before 8:30 a.m.  For St. Mary Parish, contact the St. Mary CAA central office at (337) 828-5703/5705 or for Vermilion Parish, 337-893-2528 to set up your appointment.  NO WALK INS FOR APPOINTMENTS, YOU MUST CALL IN All documentation is needed for the application to be processed.  A check list will be on the St. Mary CAA website, Facebook page and or can be picked up at any of the CAA locations.

The LIHEAP Utility Assistance Program helps low-come households pay their electric, gas, and water bills as well as increase their energy self-sufficiency.  This program targets people with the lowest incomes and the highest energy costs based on their income and family size.  Additional targets are low-income household that include the elderly, persons with disabilities, and young children.

  • Applicants should have the following documentation available when preparing to apply:
  • Driver’s License or I.D. for everyone 18 years of age and older
  • Social Security Cards for everyone in household
  • Last 30 days of Check stubs for employed household members
  • Proof of 2022 unearned income (Social Security, SSI, SSA Disability, Retirement, VA, unemployment benefits, Pension Funds) for all person 18 and over
  • Current utility bills-(Gas, Light, and Water bills only)
  • Proof of present address—(Cable, Telephone, Water, Rent Receipt, Lease or Deed, must have name and physical address
  • Disconnect notice(if you received a shut-off notice)
  • Additional information may be required to determine your eligibility for energy assistance

2023 LIHEAP 60% Estimated State Median Income Levels (Non-Crisis and Crisis Program Income Guideline)

Number in Household Annual Household Income Limit Monthly Household Income Limit
1 $26,040 $2,170
2 $34,053 $2,838
3 $42,065 $3,505
4 $50,078 $4,173
5 $58,090 $4,841
6 $66,102 $5,509
7 $67,605 $5,634
8 $69,108 $5,759
9 $70,610 $5,884
10 $72,112 $6,009

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