Home Local News Police Departments Join Forces to Combat Impaired Driving in St. Mary Parish

Police Departments Join Forces to Combat Impaired Driving in St. Mary Parish

by KQKInews
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Police Departments Join Forces to Combat Impaired Driving in St. Mary Parish

In an effort to promote road safety and reduce incidents caused by impaired drivers, several Louisiana law enforcement agencies have teamed up for the annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign. Running from August 18th through September 4th.

The initiative will feature saturation patrols and DWI checkpoints at a yet-to-be-disclosed location, aiming to ensure a safe end to the summer season and holiday weekend. Authorities are encouraging residents to designate a sober driver or stay home if they plan on consuming alcohol or other substances that may impair their driving ability.

Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications is illegal in Louisiana. Details about upcoming DWI checkpoints will be made public within the next week as part of this ongoing safety campaign.

As summer comes to a close and upcoming events like Labor Day and the Shrimp Fest approach, multiple police departments in St. Mary Parish are joining forces.

St. Mary Parish law enforcement agencies are working together to increase patrols and host a DWI checkpoint in the coming weeks to combat impaired driving. Berwick Assistant Police Chief J.P. Henry explained the purpose is to ensure safer roadways within the parish.

“We have extra officers out on the highways, looking for impaired drivers. Sometime within the next couple of weeks, we will be hosting a DWI Checkpoint, which will be advertised but with an undisclosed location,” said Henry.

The checkpoint will involve collaboration between Berwick, Morgan City Police Department, St. Mary Sheriff’s Office, and Paterson Police Department. Additional support is expected from Thibodeaux PD and Lafayette PD.

Morgan City Police Captain Betty Augman reminded residents that while they want everyone to enjoy events like the upcoming shrimp fest, they should do so responsibly. “Drink your hurricanes, but get a designated driver if you want to come out there and have a good time,” she said.

Captain Swords of the St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office emphasized that they are utilizing their best DWI investigators for this operation. “Don’t drink that weekend”, he warned, adding that it’s not a good time for violators.

Patterson Police Lieutenant James Carinhas stressed the importance of arranging a designated driver: “We want everybody to have a nice safe festival holiday weekend. We’re not saying don’t drink; just don’t drink and drive.”

Berwick Assistant Police Chief J.P. Henry clarified that impaired driving includes alcohol as well as marijuana and prescription medications: “If you’re impaired behind the wheel in any form, you will be arrested and prosecuted.”

He added that more information regarding the undisclosed location of the DWI checkpoint would be released soon, but for now, it is known it will be within Berwick town limits.

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