Sheriff Blaise Smith announced the arrest of Travis Williams, a part-time/reserve officer with the Franklin Police Department, on the charges of aggravated crimes against nature. Williams’ wife, Sherelle, was also arrested on accessory and obstruction charges.
Travis Jasmire Royce Williams, 32, Franklin, LA, was arrested on March 31, 2021, at 9:10 pm for aggravated crimes against nature (6 counts).
Sherelle Sherise Williams, 37, Franklin, LA, was arrested on March 31, 2021, at 9:10 pm for crimes against nature-accessory after the fact and obstruction of justice.
The St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office received a complaint from the Franklin area on February 9, 2021, in reference to a possible crime against a juvenile victim. A detective with the St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office was assigned to the case and after a thorough investigation, warrants were obtained for the arrest of Travis Williams and Sherelle Williams.
On the evening of Wednesday, March 31, 2021, Travis Williams and Sherelle Williams were arrested on the warrants and transported to the St. Mary Parish Law Enforcement Center for booking. Bail was set for Travis Williams at $100,000 and for Sherelle Williams at $50,000.
Part Time/Reserve Franklin Police Officer and Wife Charged With Aggravated Crimes Against Nature