Chief James F. Blair reports that over the last 24-hour period the Morgan City Police Department responded to 44-calls of service. The following person(s) were arrested as the result beginning on 3/3/2012

Conley T. Jones, 71 years of age, Address-Joseph St., Morgan City, LA., was arrested on 3/3/2021 at 10:49 A.M.
Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License
Obstruction of Justice
Possession of Schedule I CDS-Marijuana
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
A patrol officer observed a traffic violation in the area of Marguerite St. and Highway 70 in Morgan City. The officer identified the driver as Conley t. Jones. He was found in possession of suspected marijuana and drug paraphernalia. During the traffic stop, Conley T. Jones attempted to destroy some of the illegal narcotics. He was placed under arrest and transported to the Morgan City Police Department.

Gerald T. Andrew, 30 years of age, Address-Arenz St., Morgan City, LA., was arrested on 3/3/2021 at 1:11 P.M.
View Outward or Inward Through Windshield
Resisting an Officer-Flight
An officer observed a traffic violation in the area of Levee Road and Sixth St. The driver failed to stop until they reached Federal Ave and Belanger St. before pulling over. He was placed under arrest and transported to the Morgan City Police Department for booking and incarceration.
Jerry Richard Forbes, 20 years of age, Address-Terrebonne St., Morgan City, LA., was arrested on 3/3/3021 at 7:50 P.M.
Failure to Appear to Pay Fines (6 Counts)-6th Ward Court

Cole Zephren Fruge, 29 years of age, Address-Saturn Rd., Bayou Vista, LA., was arrested on 3/3/2021 at 9:29 P.M.
Domestic Abuse Battery Strangulation
Aggravated Battery
Possession of Schedule I CDS-Marijuana
Introduction of Contrabond
Officers responded to a domestic disturbance call on Railroad Ave. Upon the officer’s arrival, they learned Cole Z. Fruge had assaulted his domestic partner and committed an aggravated battery against another individual at the residence. He was placed under arrest and transported to the Morgan City Police Department. During the booking intake process, officers located suspected marijuana concealed on his person. He was additionally charged and booked into the Morgan City Police Department.