NAPOLEONVILLE – Assumption Parish Sheriff Leland Falcon announces the Memorial Day / Labor Day Traffic Enforcement Program in conjunction with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission and the National Highway Transportation Safety Association.
The Memorial Day Enforcement will take place from May 23, 2022, through June 5, 2022, and focuses primarily on seat belt enforcement but is not solely limited to that.
The Memorial Day Program is title, “Click it or Ticket”.
The Labor Day Enforcement Program focuses on driver impairment (D.W.I.) and runs from August 19. 2022 through September 5,2022 and focuses on impaired drivers, but not limited to that.
The Labor Day Program is titled, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”.
The funding mechanism for the special holiday enforcement is the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission and the National Highway Transportation Safety Association.
Sheriff’s deputies from Assumption Parish will be out and about enforcing highway traffic laws.
Sheriff Falcon urges everyone to click your seat belts and don’t drink and drive.