Home Breaking News Live Rifle Cartridge Found at Berwick High School, No Gun Located

Live Rifle Cartridge Found at Berwick High School, No Gun Located

by KQKInews
1 minutes read

On Tuesday March 28, 2023 at approximately 10:17 am, Berwick Police Department received a call from their  School Resource Officer at Berwick High School indicating that they located a possible live rifle cartridge in one of the male restrooms.

At that time, school administrators coordinated with Berwick Police and placed the school on lockdown. Investigators arrived on scene and learned that there was in fact a live rifle cartridge located in the men’s restroom. The campus was searched thoroughly by police, SRO’s, and school personnel.

Every student on campus walked through metal detectors before returning to class.  Berwick Police Chief David Leonard is working to dispel rumors which are circulating in town that a firearm was located on campus. Berwick Police Department said there were NO FIREARMS located during the investigation, and at no time were any of the students or faculty in any danger.

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