Home Lafourche Parish Larose Man Charged with Contractor Fraud and Theft

Larose Man Charged with Contractor Fraud and Theft

by KQKInews
1 minutes read

Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre announced the arrest of a Larose man for contractor fraud. Brody Anselmi, 35, has been charged with contractor fraud and felony theft in four investigations this month.

In early January, a Larose man reported that Anselmi was hired for roof repairs and paid several thousand dollars upfront. Anselmi never started the job, offering several excuses. When the man asked for his money back, Anselmi claimed he didn’t have any money.

In another case, an elderly Larose woman had paid Anselmi for drywall replacement at her residence. She initially paid $2,000 as a down payment but then he asked for larger payments on two separate occasions. After she paid, Anselmi again offered excuses for being unable to start the work. He also told her he used her payment on other projects.

In a third case, a Galliano man paid Anselmi a down payment to repair a fence. Anselmi performed some work to tear down the old fence, but never completed the job. Again, he asked for more money and never returned. After several months, the man asked for his money back, but Anselmi never provided it.

Investigators obtained warrants for his arrest, and he was booked into the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex on January 5, 2021.

Following his arrest, a Raceland woman came forward with similar allegations that Anselmi had been paid but had not started work. Detectives obtained another warrant, and Anselmi was booked accordingly.

Collectively, Anselmi pocketed $28,000 from the four victims without finishing the jobs and in some cases, he never started any work. He has been charged with three counts of Residential Contractor Fraud and one count of Felony Theft. He remains at the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex. Bail is set at $42,500.

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