Home Local News Grant Awards to help fund Rehabilitation and Revitalization of Historic Commercial Buildings

Grant Awards to help fund Rehabilitation and Revitalization of Historic Commercial Buildings

by KQKInews
3 minutes read

BATON ROUGE, La. – Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser and Louisiana Main Street announce the release of applications for a second round of funding through the Paul Bruhn Revitalization Grant. The National Park Service (NPS) recently awarded Louisiana Main Street $662,000 to help fund the rehabilitation and revitalization of historic commercial buildings location on official Main Street communities across the state.

“Being selected for this National Park Service grant allows us to increase our assistance in helping preserve and restore the historical aspects of our small towns and historic districts to bring them back to life, attracting visitors and locals alike,” said Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser. “The historic downtowns and commercial districts are the heart of many communities across Louisiana. They give each community a sense of place and character, providing the uniqueness that sets them apart from each other.”

Property owners can receive grants of $55,000 and are only required to provide a $5,000 cash match. To be eligible, applicants must be property owners or tenants of commercially zoned properties located within a designated Louisiana Main Street district with a population less than 50,000 according to the U.S. Bureau of the Census. The building must also be listed on the National Register of Historic Places or determined eligible for listing in the Register by the State Historic Preservation Office (SPHO) and the NPS.

“The priority of this grant program as set by Louisiana Main Street is to return currently vacant or under-utilized historic buildings into productive use. Our 35 Main Street Districts comprise a powerful grassroots network that understands the power of community pride and the values of historic commercial resources as economic drivers,” said Ray Scriber, Louisiana Main Street Director. “It will be exciting to see the positive impacts these projects will have in their respective districts.”

During the second round of the grant cycle, six grants will be awarded in the amount of $55,000 each. Through round one, six Main Street Districts each received grants totaling $55,000. Those recipients included:

  • Plaquemine; Historic Lozano House: being restored for retail, office space, lodging, and event rental.
  • Donaldsonville; Donaldsonville General Store & Museum: will be used as an interpretive center, museum, check-in location for tours and tour guides, event space and a creative space.
  • New Iberia; Essanne Theater: fabrication and installation of a reconstructed marquee to match the original 1937 art deco marquee.
  • Crowley; Egan Hotel: will have 66 double-hung windows restored where possible and replaced where excessive deterioration prevents restoration.
  • Homer; 419 West Main Street building: restoration work will allow its use as a reception hall for the park, providing for full use of the adjacent park site.
  • Franklin; Old Post Office: revitalize the building for use as office space and for the promotion of arts and tourism in the city.

Property owners receiving round one grants are not eligible to apply for round two. Applicants for round two must create an online account through Summittable. Once an account is created, the application and guidelines can be accessed through the Louisiana Office of Cultural Development Applications Manager. The deadline to apply for round two is Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

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