Home Lafourche Parish City of Thibodaux Announces Canal Boulevard Roundabout Update

City of Thibodaux Announces Canal Boulevard Roundabout Update

by KQKInews
1 minutes read

Effective tomorrow (Friday, April 12, 2024), a shift in the current traffic pattern regarding the roundabout will go into place. During the morning hours, you may see a delay in traffic, while crews begin paint striping along with cone and signage modifications. By mid-afternoon, motorist will begin utilizing the new traffic pattern for this next phase of construction. Please follow the written description and the color-coded map below for visual instruction.

Canal Boulevard Southbound (GREEN) will be shifted to the new portion of the roundabout and will have continuous flow and the RIGHT OF WAY through the roundabout.

Canal Boulevard Northbound (RED) will remain the same.

Those traveling northbound to turn onto Jackson Street/ LA 20 Northbound (YELLOW) will shift over to the southbound lane just north of Pecan Street and WILL YIELD to southbound traffic to make the left turn onto Jackson Street/ LA 20.

Southbound traffic from Jackson Street/ LA 20 (BLUE) to Canal Boulevard Southbound WILL YIELD when attempting to merge in the roundabout to travel southbound on Canal Boulevard.

We ask motorists to drive with caution and be patient while everyone adapts to this new traffic pattern.

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