Home Local News Berwick Police Department to Conduct Seatbelt Checkpoint Wednesday

Berwick Police Department to Conduct Seatbelt Checkpoint Wednesday

by KQKInews
1 minutes read

Chief David Leonard and the Berwick Police Department will be conducting a seat belt checkpoint on Wednesday May 31, 2023 in the afternoon hours.

During this time, officers will be will educating the public on the importance of wearing a seat belt and citing those that may not be in compliance. Any other violations that are observed will be enforced.

The checkpoint will be conducted during the afternoon hours and ending in the early evening hours within the city limits of Berwick.

The checkpoint is being conducted in coordination with the Click it or Ticket Campaign which runs from May 22 through June 4, 2023. The campaign is coordinated and funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission.

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