???? ?????? ?????? ??/??/????
????? ????? ?. ????? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??-???? ????????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ?? ?? ????? ??? ???????. ?? ? ??????, ??? ????????? ??????(?) ??? ???????? ????????? ??/??/????.
???????? ?. ?????, ?? ????? ?? ???, ???????: ???????? ??. ????? ????, ??, ???????? ?? ??/??/???? @ ??:?? ?.?.
???????: Warrant: Monetary Instrument Abuse
???????? ?????? ?????, ?? ????? ?? ???, ???????: ???? ??? ??. ??????????????, ??, ???????? ?? ??/??/???? @ ?:?? ?.?.
???????: Warrant: Monetary Instrument Abuse
???????? ????? ??????, ?? ????? ?? ???, ???????: ?????????? ??. ?????????????, ??, ???????? ?? ??/??/???? @ ?:?? ?.?.
???????: Warrant: Monetary Instrument Abuse
?????????? ???????? ????????, ?? ????? ?? ???, ???????: ????? ???. ?????? ????, ??, ???????? ?? ??/??/???? @ ?:?? ?.?.
???????: Disturbing the Peace
Warrant: F.T.A. for Trial on
10/18/2021(16th Judicial Court)
?????? ??????? ???????, ?? ????? ?? ???, ???????: ???????? ??. ?????? ????, ??, ???????? ?? ??/??/???? @ ?:?? ?.?.
???????: Warrant: F.T.A. for Contempt Hearing
on 01/14/2021(16th Judicial Court)
Warrant: F.T.A. for Arraignment on
11/02/2021(16th Judicial Court)
??????? ????? ?????????, ?? ????? ?? ???, ???????: ????? ??. ?????? ????, ??, ???????? ?? ??/??/???? @ ?:?? ?.?.
???????: Disturbing the Peace Intoxicated
???????? ????? ???????, ?? ????? ?? ???, ???????: ???????? ??. ?????, ??, ???????? ?? ??/??/???? @ ?:?? ?.?.
???????: Possession of SCH II CDS
Introduction of Contraband into a
Penal Facility
Disturbing the Peace Intoxicated
Entry or Remaining in Places after
being Forbidden